In JAX-RS applications, the return type of the method would automatically be used, unless it is .rs.core.Response.
From the docs: public abstract Class<> response.* All UserRolesMapping = "GET", value = "API to get all user roles mappings details", response = Response.class, produces = "/list", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = MediaType. Because of how complex the logic was, it involved a lot of Swagger API annotations. You can omit the response part and it will use Void.class by default. * searchTerm - searchTerm to be searched.
With the Google Ads API you can build software that manages accounts from the customer level. * size - the size of the page to be returned. xml we include two more libraries for Swagger: Springfox is primarily used to generate a ready-to-use API specification using Java annotations, e.g. Ad management based on inventory Manage Smart Bidding strategies. Descriptive Documentation With Swagger When we create a REST API, it's important to create its proper specification as well. In my case I am returning ResponseEntity but with the help of advice I want I got the ResponseEntity and map it to the ResponseWrapper class. Overview In this tutorial, we'll discuss the main differences between Swagger’s ApiOperation and ApiResponse annotations. * API to get all user roles mappings details There is no way that we can pass generic 'type' class to the parameter of ApiOperation i.e. I am now figuring out which swagger annotations to use for ExceptionHandler methods in spring mvc. I commented my ExceptionHandler methods and swagger ui started working fine.
Return getThingResponse(Status.OK, thing, locale, null) After debugging I figured out my ExceptionHandler methods in Controller class didnt have any swagger annotations, and this was causing the issue. tEnabled(thingUIDObject, Boolean.valueOf(enabled)) Your description field is written twice, so the first one has been overridden. Return getThingNotFoundResponse(thingUID)